Q. If sum of two integer is 14 and if one of them is 8 then find other integer. Ans: Well, this is very simple. Simply, one integer is 8 and sum of two integers is 14. So, we need to subtract the number 8 from their sum of 14 to get the second number. So, the second number is: 14 - 8 = 6 C-Program of this task Code---> #include<stdio.h> int main () { int num1 = 8 , num2 , sum = 14 ; num2 = sum - num1 ; printf ( "The second number is: %d" , num2 ); return 0 ; }
In this C program we will compare two strings using strcmp() fuction. The Strings will be given by the User.
strcmp() function compares two strings in this program, if two strings are identical (i.e: "Hello" and "Hello" are identical), then the function returns a integer value Zero "0" else, it returns a non-zero value.
If it returns -1 then it means, the first mis-match occured between a Higher-case and a Lower-case value.(i.e: Apple and apple)
If it returns +1 then it means, the first mis-match occured between a Lower-case and a Higher-case value.(i.e: apple and Apple)
Obviously the function strcmp() is case-sensitive.
strcmp() takes two arguements.
Like :
Learn about different string functions and their use: Different String Functions
The two Strings.output:
The strings are identical or not, will be printed on the screen.
int main()
int i;
char str1[100],str2[100];
printf(" Please, Enter the first string: ");
printf(" Please, Enter the second string: ");
printf("\n Both String are same.");
printf("\n The given string are not same.");
return 0;
Download the C-Program file of this Program.
Please, Enter the first string: Hello World Please, Enter the second string: Hello World Both String are same. -------------------------------- Process exited after 15.78 seconds with return value 0 Press any key to continue . . . Please, Enter the first string: Hello World Please, Enter the second string: Hello ProgramJoy The given string are not same. -------------------------------- Process exited after 19.84 seconds with return value 0 Press any key to continue . . .
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